Our Services

These are the services we provide, these makes us stand apart.

Thai massage / Thai Oil

Thai massage / Thai Oil

Thai massage is a type of massage. Which is the science of therapy and disease treatment, a branch of Thai traditional medicine. It focuses on pressing, rolling, squeezing, bending, pulling, baking, and compressing, which are commonly known as “Traditional massage” which is not just for treating pain but also good for health and can cure disease Because massage will directly affect the body and mind. By using artistic touch

90 min. 80 € | 60 min. 55 € | 45 min. 45 € | 30 min. 30 €

Relaxing oil massage

Relaxing oil massage

What is oil massage? Oil massage is the use of hands to massage various parts of the body together with the use of oil to apply on the body for a smoother massage. Available in both colorless and odorless oils. and essential oils, which are considered as one of the forms of aroma therapy.

90 min. 80 € | 60 min. 55 € | 45 min. 45 € | 30 min. 30 €

Compress massage

Compress massage

It involves steaming fresh or dried herbal compresses and applying them to various parts of the body. Most people like to compress after massage. Herbal compresses will help promote Thai royal massage. Gives better treatment results Both from herbal medicine and heat, herbal compresses are beneficial in stimulating blood circulation. Helps reduce swelling Relieve muscle inflammation...

90 min. 80 € | 60 min. 55 € | 45 min. 45 € | 30 min. 30 €

Foot acupressure massage

Foot acupressure massage

is the science of foot reflection, meaning learning about reflection points in areas related to energy lines to specific organs in order to apply reflexology, which is an alternative therapy method that relieves illness or cures disease. Reflexology is different from massage in general Because you have to know the techniques. Apply deeper pressure than kneading.

90 min. 80 € | 60 min. 55 € | 45 min. 45 € | 30 min. 30 €